Jenny Lee Vaydich
Associate Professor of Psychology; Chair of Research Psychology and Clinical Psychology
Phone: 206-281-2872
Office: Marston 114
Education: BA, St. Olaf College, 2004; MA, University of Notre Dame, 2008; PhD, University of Notre Dame, 2011. At SPU since 2015.
Dr. Jenny Lee Vaydich is a clinical psychologist whose teaching and research interests are in developmental psychopathology, bridging clinical and developmental psychology. Her research focuses on emotion socialization within the parent-child relationship and how emotion socialization impacts emotion regulation from a developmental psychopathology framework.
Her research explores parent-child relationships and parental emotion socialization during childhood and adolescence. Much of her work has focused on aggression; however, she has recently begun to explore the influence of parent-child relationships on depression and anxiety. She is also interested in the influence of culture on parental emotion socialization, as well as how parent-child relationships are associated with physiological and neuroendocrine functioning.
Dr. Vaydich teaches both clinical and developmental psychology courses, spanning childhood through adolescence. She also teaches a course focusing on child emotion regulation development.
Selected publications
Lee, B., & Vaydich, J. L. (in press). A qualitative study of coping strategies among Korean immigrants in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Psychology.
Vaydich, J. L., Carpenter, T. P., Schwark, J. K., & Molina, L. (2020). Disordered eating: The effects of parental attachment and the mediating role of emotion dysregulation. Journal of American College Health.
Please view Dr. Vaydich’s CV (PDF) for additional publications.