Anne Prouty
Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy; Director of Medical Family Therapy
Office: Marston 108
Education: MS, East Carolina University, 1993; PhD, Purdue University, 1996. At SPU since 2020.
After completing two years of medical graduate courses, Dr. Anne Prouty earned her master’s degree in marriage and family therapy from East Carolina University in 1993 and her doctorate from Purdue University in Child Development and Family Studies in 1996, where she minored in feminist studies of the family and specialized in family therapy. She blends her interests as a medical family therapist working with families through acute, chronic, and terminal illness. Her related research interests include spirituality and resilience dynamics in families during medical crises. She has consistently contributed to the scholarship of teaching and clinical supervision in family therapy, including building a model of feminist supervision.
Dr. Prouty has taught in six COAMFTE accredited marriage and family therapy programs, including co-creating a social justice focused doctoral program at Antioch New England. She served as the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Feminist Family Therapy for over a decade, and as a Commissioner on the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education. She currently serves as a site visitor for the COAMFTE. Dr. Prouty’s academic editing and writing reflects her clinical and teaching interests about the importance of focusing on human and cultural diversity in clinical training, and on learner-centered teaching.
Selected Publications
Kılıçer, B., Naşit Gürdağ, S., Civan, A, Akyil, Y., & Prouty, A. M. (in press). Feminist family therapy in Turkey: Experiences of couple and family therapists. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy: An International Journal.
Prouty, A. M., Fischer, J., Purdom, A., Cobos, E., & Helmeke, K. (2016). Spiritual Coping: A Gateway to Enhancing Family Communication during Cancer Treatment. Journal of Religion & Health, 55(1), 269-287.
Prouty, A. M., Helmeke, K.B., & Fischer, J. (2016). Mentorship in family therapy training programs: Students’ and new graduates’ perspectives. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 27(1), 35-56.
Prouty, A. M., & Storm, C. L. (2014). Training the next generation of supervisors. In C. L. Storm and T. C. Todd (Eds.), The complete systemic supervisor: Context, philosophy, and pragmatics (2nd ed.; pp. 399-416). Wiley-Blackwell.
Prouty-Lyness, A. M., & Helmeke, K. B. (2008). Clinical mentorship: One more aspect of feminist supervision. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy: An International Forum, 20(2), 166-199.
Prouty-Lyness, A. M. (2007). Inviting resiliency to join the family’s journey with cancer. In D. Linville Knobelspeice & K. Hertlein (Eds.), Therapist's notebook for family health care: Homework, handouts, and activities for individuals, couples, and families coping with illness, loss, and disability (pp. 167-173). Haworth Press.
Prouty-Lyness, A. M., Prouty, J., & Partridge, J. (2006). Recruiting a spiritual team: Saints and family systems. In K. Helmeke and C. F. Sori (Eds.), The therapist’s notebook for integrating spirituality in counseling: Homework, Handouts, and Activities for Use in Psychotherapy II (pp. 157-162). Haworth Press.
Prouty, A. M. (2001). Experiencing feminist supervision. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy: An International Forum, 12(4), 171-203.
Prouty, A. M., Thomas, V., Johnson, S., & Long, J. K. (2001). Methods of feminist family therapy supervision. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 27, 85-97.
Please view Dr. Prouty's CV for more publications.